Yemi Alade, a well-known Nigerian singer and composer, is one famous Nigerian woman who enjoys fashion and designIn recent photographs that she just recently released on her official Instagram profile, she demonstrated her originality in fashion and design. She was wearing a fashionable attire in the pictures, which within a few hours of publishing drew the comments of over a thousand fans and followers.Reactions As Popular Dancer, Korra Obidi Shows Off Her Dancing Skills In A New ViralVideoThe feedback from fans was overwhelmingly positive, with many praising her beauty and others sharing their views and ideas about what they observed.As a fan responded favourably to the post, she disclosed that Yemi Alade looked exactly like Angela in the pictures. She put it like way: “exactly like an angel.” Yemi Alade has not yet responded to the fan’s comment because she hasn’t seen it.Please let us know what you think about this; we are looking forward to hearing from you.
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